Reason for LOVE

More than one year ago I wrote about same topic“Reason for love“. My thoughts on this topic were different at that time and I thought that there cannot be any reason for love and love has to be selfless and if it is not selfless then it is not love.

Days passes by and as we all grew up every day, our thinking gets modified and refined every day and same has happened with me also. And I discovered, that Yes, there is Reason for love. Nobody loves the other without any reason. We human being loves to get loved and in return we give love to another person. We love Love, appreciation, pampering, care, devotion, respect, support, trust, attention, not being judged by others because of our behaviour, matching in our thinking, etc. etc. And if any one of this element is missing in any relationship then love starts diminishing.

If love is really selfless then divorces & breakups, family breakups would have never happened. Friends love each other because their thinking matches. Relatives love each other because they give each other their comfort zone and creates a social environment to hang out with.  Teacher loves his student because he performs well, if teacher is selfless then Einstein would have never expelled from his school. Take any relation whether it is nature made or made by you, there definitely are reasons for loving them. If love is permanent then words like deceive and betrayal has no values and you will love the other person in spite of their deceiving nature, but in most of the cases if it happens ,relationship breaks in spite of several years of relationship.

Every day on Facebook I see people saying to each other Hey I love you because of so many reasons, I thought what if any one of this feeling is missing in your relationship, will you still love him/her? It sounds awkward but the logic is simple I cannot love someone until and unless he or she gives me my comfort zone. I love you because I have got so many reasons to love you. If you are good to me then I will be very good to you and if you are not good to me then I will not be good for you.

Being a Capricorn an old soul, I always think that love has to be divine, still I think same but with some modification. I want love to be divine which respects each other’s priority, without losing sense of one’s own self , helping each other to grow, to rise, love each other selflessly keeping in mind that You yourself is not forgetting in the process of getting another. Love is when you enjoy the madness of another person and not forcing him to change for sake of your comfort zone. If he or she loves you then there will be not be need of any explanations. Your gesture and your tone will suffice to say something. You cannot get another person until and unless you get your own self. One cannot own someone neither is owe to someone in love.

Love is when you discover your true personality with someone, you can share your deepest secrets, biggest failures, ugliest sign of yourself, you can be naked in front of him/her in terms of physical, mental, emotional, professional or whatsoever aspect of your personality.

Selfless love creates no value neither to your own self nor to another person. It’s a priceless emotion and those are really lucky who have this feeling in their life.


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